Liebster Award

Liebster Award
Let's get started.

The Rules
1. You must list 11 things about yourself.

2. Answer 11 questions put to you by the person awarding you.

3. Choose up to 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers and list their questions.

4. Go to your nominees' pages and inform them of the nominations.

5. No tag backs.

About me

1. I love to tour with my friends

2. I love the watch movies

3. I love playing cricket.

4. I love internet surfing, blogging

5. I hate wake up early

6. I am little bit  lazy veg and non veg,

8. I love friends

9. I like driving.

10. I love sleeping

11. I worked as website developer,

11 questions from Patricia

1. What is your favorite song?

In the end(linking park)
2.What's your favorite animal on land?


3. Where would you travel to if money wasn't an issue?

   All world

4. Can you do a hand stand?

5. Name three things you love?

6. Do you have a favorite blogger? (name one)

7. What is one memory from childhood?

   Morning waiting for school bus, playing,crying,always late and run to catch the school bus,

8. Do you have a favorite TV show?

Football,movies,songs (don’t like to watch tv show )

9. Do you like pizza?


10. Name three things you would like to do before you die?

Want to meet the cricketer Sachin Tendulkar (india),
Travel all over world.
Start my IT Firm

11. What event in Life gave you a second chance?
     no event(don’t remember now)

Bloggers I wish to Nominate
Digital Street

Your Questions

1. What are your favorite movies ? name 3

2.What's your favorite sports?

3. about friends? 3 things

4. which thing you don’t like?

5. Name three things you love?

6. Do you have a favorite blogger? (name one)

7. What your hobby?

8. Do you have a favorite food items?

9. Do you like to visit india?

10. Name three things you would like to do before you die?

11. Blogspot or wordpress?

Good luck.Have fun with this. Hope to hear back from you soon.

Thanks Patricia For including my blog in this award
